Bruchko details Bruce Olsen’s amazing true life adventure of his work with the Motilone. The Motilone are a primitive tribe that live in Columbia and Venezuela.
As a missionary myself, I have come to appreciate that Bruce Olsen did not go to “Westernize” the tribe. He was able to share the Gospel of Christ without taking away from their culture. He honored them as people, and used key things that they believed and did as a means to communicate the gospel. I appreciate the open honesty about all aspects of his work, including the parts of his story that may very well be hard to stomach for some.
We read this narrative when we first went to the mission field and I feel that the basic truths and principles helped shaped who we are as missionaries. This should be basic reading for anyone in ministry. I highly recommend this book as well as his subsequent book, Bruchko and the Motlione Miracle.
Stasia is mother to six beautiful children and wife to a dedicated, loving husband. They have served as a family together on the mission field on four continents for nearly 30 years. Stasia’s passion is to share in true colors the grace of God in her life. You can read more about her and the ministry of the Women’s Bible Cafe here. If this article has blessed you in any small way, please consider showing your support by clicking subscribe in the upper right corner. Copyright© 2015 Stasia Nielsen All Rights Reserved

The best blogger in the whole world and my wonderful friend!! Keep on being an awesome blessing!!
You are precious to me, and as always a great encouragement. I adore you, sweet girl